"This rollicking second installment of Revis’s intergalactic trilogy will keep readers glued to the page...an un-put-downable page-turner helmed by a lovable heroine who is clever and passionate beneath her armor of sarcastic quips. Revis makes the anticipation delicious." —Publishers Weekly
"Told from a jaunty, first-person point of view, How to Steal a Galaxy will have readers feeling like accomplices as Ada shares her insights, tricks, flirtations, and deceptions throughout the story...an exciting and compelling narrative." —Booklist
"This romp of a story is even more deceptive than Ada and Rian’s first encounter, and readers will get every bit as caught up in her nonchalant misdirection as the government agent does—until the big reveal of just how high the stakes really are." —Library Journal
"I’m loving this series! It’s fun and exciting, and it is a great balance of suspense, romance, and humor. I can’t wait for book three and am hoping we’ll see more of the Halifax crew in the next book." —One More Book
"After reading Full Speed to A Crash Landing, I immediately jumped into How to Steal a Galaxy because why wait?" —Snoozly Kitsune