We advocate for authors, illustrators, and translators who experience their subject deeply and personally, and value works that are authentic, ask new questions, present counter-narratives and original thinking, challenge our assumptions, spark our imaginations, and broaden and deepen our understanding of the world.
Astra Publishing House includes the adult literary imprint Astra House, dedicated to publishing the best fiction and nonfiction writers from the US and around the world; DAW Books, devoted exclusively to science fiction and fantasy; and Astra Books for Young Readers, which features seven children’s book imprints, Astra Young Readers, Calkins Creek, Hippo Park, Kane Press, Minerva/minedition, TOON Books, and Wordsong.
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2022 • DAW Books, dedicated to science fiction and fantasy, joins Astra Publishing House.
TOON Books joins the Astra Publishing House family.
2021 • Astra Books for Young Readers division formed. Hippo Park launched, led by Editorial Director Jill Davis.
2020 • Thinkingdom LTD becomes Astra Publishing House
mineditionUS joins the Astra Publishing House family with Maria Russo as Editorial Director, mineditionUS; Leonard Marcus as Editor-at-Large, and Astra Publishing House launched its adult imprint, Astra House, headed by publisher Ben Schrank and Editorial Director Alessandra Bastagli.
2019 • Boyds Mills Press, Wordsong and Calkins Creek merged with Kane Press to create Boyds Mills & Kane.
2016 • Kane Press acquired by Thinkingdom Media Group.
2008 • TOON Books launched by Françoise Mouly.
2004 • Calkins Creek, featuring fiction and nonfiction focused on the lesser-known stories of American history, was formed by executive editor Carolyn Yoder.
2004 • minedition founded by Michael Neugebauer.
1992 • Kane Press, award-winning publisher of fiction and nonfiction books for children ages 2 to 11, was founded by Joanne Kane.
1990 • Wordsong, the only children’s imprint in the United States specifically dedicated to publishing poetry, was founded by Dr. Bernice Cullinan.
1990 • Boyds Mills Press founded by Kent Brown, Publisher, and Clay Winters, President.
1971 • DAW, the first publishing company ever devoted exclusively to science fiction and fantasy, founded by Donald A. Wollheim and Elsie B. Wollheim
Please visit the Kane Press page for submission guidelines.
Astra House, DAW, Astra Young Readers, Calkins Creek, Hippo Park, mineditionUS, TOON Books, and Wordsong are not currently open to unsolicited submissions.
All Astra Publishing House books are distributed by Penguin Random House.
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Publicity Inquiries
For Astra Young Readers, Calkins Creek, Kane Press, Wordsong titles:
Kerry McManus, marketing@astrapublishinghouse.com
For Hippo Park, mineditionUS, Toon Books titles:
Deborah Sloan, marketing@astrapublishinghouse.com
For Astra House titles:
Rachael Small and Alexis Nowicki, ahpublicity@astrahouse.com
For DAW titles:
Laura Fitzgerald, dawpublicity@astrapublishinghouse.com
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