Published by (1998-05-01)
Praise for the Keeper's Chronicles:
“There are plenty of odd characters and touches of unexpected magic and humor to keep things moving for a contemporary fantasy that’s lots of fun.” —Locus
“No one tickles the funnybone and chills the blood better than Tanya Huff.... With screamingly funny dialogue and sharp plotting, Ms. Huff makes every word a positively delightful experience in this imaginative tale.” —Romantic Times
“Fans of humorous fantasy will enjoy this fast-moving tale, as will cat lovers and anyone else who can suspend disbelief and settle back for a good time.” —VOYA
“This book is entertainment, pure and simple.... A thoroughly satisfying story.” —SF Site
“An abundance of wit…a strong fantasy which wins on its solid and refreshingly different, wry humor.” —Library Bookwatch
“Great reading for a hot summer night when you want to be whisked away to another world.” —SF Chronicle
“Tanya Huff’s new series is a brilliant creation.... The storyline is riveting with never a dull moment.” —Omni Magazine