The Complete Morgaine By C. J. Cherryh

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ISBN: 9780698410435


Published by (2015-09-01)

Together for the first time in one volume—all four novels in the dark science fiction epic, the Morgaine Cycle.

The gates were relics of a lost era, a linked network of portals that the ruthless Qual empire used to span Time and Space. The Science Buereau has come to believe that sometime, somewhere in the unreachable past, someone has done the unthinkable and warped the very fabric of the universe using these gates. Now, it is up to Morgaine, a mysterious woman aided by a single warrior honor-bound to serve her, to travel from world to world sealing the ancient gates whose very existence threatens the integrity of all worlds...

Book Details

Format: eBook
Price: 18.99 CAD / 13.99 USD
Published: 2015-09-01
ISBN: 9780698410435
Page Count: 832

"Never since The Lord of the Rings have I been so caught up in any tale as I have been in Gate of Ivrel. C. J. Cherryh has drawn an entirely believable hero on an alien and enchanting world, working in bits of custom, beliefs, and history so cleverly that it now certainly exists—somewhere." —Andre Norton

"Cherryh is the best writer of this sort of adventure tale since the earliest days of C. L. Moore and the prime of Leigh Brackett... any reader who is willing to become lost in an alternate reality will find much to enjoy." —The Washington Post

"I can only recommend this series most highly. It's the Real Stuff, hard to find these days and very, very special when found." —Fantasiae

"Exile's Gate is a thoroughly worthy successor to one of the most appealing and successful science-fantasy series in contemporary SF." —OtherRealms