Board Books for Babies & Toddlers

Oh baby! These board books are guaranteed to delight and excite the youngest readers—and they make perfect gifts for baby showers, baby’s first Christmas, and baby & toddler birthdays. Click on any cover to learn more and order from your favorite bookstore!

Why board books?

Here are some tips on why board books are the ones to pick for the 0-3 age set from Maria Russo, co-author of How To Raise A Reader and Editorial Director of mineditionUS/Astra Books for Young Readers:

  • Board books are specially designed for the baby and toddler attention span.
  • They’re smaller than picture books—just the right size for little hands.
  • Art in board books is created specially to delight babies and toddlers: bright, bold colors; clear, simple shapes.
  • Interactive elements encourage babies and toddlers to interact with the book: die-cut holes, lift-the-flap, pull-tabs, and other features keep babies entertained and having fun during reading time.

Read more about the benefits of board books for babies and toddlers and tag @mineditionus in your posts!

Board Books for Social-Emotional Learning

Board books are so much fun, but they also pack a serious learning power and help children recognize and process feelings and emotions.

Board Books for Learning Preschool Concepts

These board books help babies and toddlers learn early preschool concepts like counting, colors, shapes, directions, and more!