We are committed to creating award-winning, high-quality fiction and nonfiction books for children of all ages. We emphasize exceptional writing, research, artistry, and innovative approaches to storytelling. We publish books that inspire compassion, open-mindedness, and the joy of discovery.
Astra Young Readers incorporates the Boyds Mills Press backlist, which is distinguished by its wide range of titles that explore STEAM subjects, particularly in the area of science; stories of emotional growth and the turning points in children’s lives; and works that celebrate identity and culture. Our mission is to build on this strong foundation and to create books that will be tomorrow’s classics.
Our environmentally-focused books feature stories that praise (and protect) our precious planet. Read More
National Financial Literacy Month is an economy-based observance celebrated in April that's aimed to raise awareness about teaching smart money management skills. Our books in the Dollars to Doughnuts series are on the money -- ideal to hand to young readers who need to get financially savvy. Read More
April is National Poetry Month, and we’re so proud to share these poetry books for young readers. Read More