Arithmechicks Explore More By Ann Marie Stephens; Illustrated by Jia Liu

ISBN: 9781635926002


Published by (2023-05-09)

The Arithmechicks prove that love is greater than disappointment in this heartwarming story about a hike, a lost stuffed animal, and the math concepts of greater than, less than, and equal to.

Publishers Weekly described the Arithmechicks as an “enjoyable resource for young ones stepping up their counting game."

Join the Arithmechicks and Mouse as they head off to the wilderness! These chicks can’t wait to hike up the ridge, find delicious berries, and, best of all, spend time with their duckling cousins! But the day is off to a bad start when one duckling accidentally leaves a beloved stuffed animal on the bus. How can these chicks (and Mouse) cheer up their cousin? Discover how an adventure with the Arithmechicks brings both humor and heart to the math they stumble across during their journey.  

Ann Marie Stephens draws upon thirty years of teaching experience to ensure that readers absorb math while having fun. The book also includes a helpful glossary that defines the modern arithmetic strategies the chicks use throughout the story.

Join the Arithmechicks on all of their math adventures! Readers will explore addition in Arithmechicks Add Up, subtraction in Arithmechicks Take Away, fact families in Arithmechicks Take a Calculation Vacation, fractions in Arithmechicks Play Fair, greater than/less than/equal to in Arithmechicks Explore More, and ordinal numbers in Arithmechicks Find Their Place

Book Details

Price: 10.99 CAD / 7.99 USD
Published: 2023-05-09
ISBN: 9781635926002
Page Count: 32
Trim Size: 8 x 8