Barry’s Best Buddy By Renee French

Barry’s Best Buddy

Toon Books Level 1

ISBN: 9781935179214


Published by (2013-03-12)

When Barry the bird and his goofy pal Polarhog start off, there’s a new adventure around every bend. But when they turn the final corner, the surprise Polarhog has prepared brings a tear to Barry’s eye–and yours.

Book Details

Price: 15 CAD / 12.95 USD
Published: 2013-03-12
ISBN: 9781935179214
Page Count: 32
Trim Size: 9 x 6

Comics creator French, who has written and illustrated two picture books as Rainy Dohaney, presents an offbeat story of misdirection, generosity, and opposites-attract friendship...French’s sharp, pared-down dialogue easily establishes the friends’ personalities and provides many moments of humor.
—Publishers Weekly

The needs and nuances of children’s literature are well represented, as echoes of Arnold Lobel’s Frog and Toad books find their way into the slightly morose Barry and his upbeat pal, and friendship and cooperation are the key themes here...Yet another winner from TOON.

With its sophisticated look and easily decodable blend of art and text, this friendship story should win early readers looking to conquer something on their own.
—Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books

This funny story has plenty of jokes to keep reluctant readers’ interest. A few higher vocabulary words like “tragedy,” “bliss,” and “decorate” are sprinkled throughout and add to the richness of this excellent little comic book. The whimsical artwork adds subtle humor to the story.
—School Library Journal