Bats By Sandra Markle


Biggest! Littlest!

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ISBN: 9781590789520


Published by (2013-03-01)

Why is the world of bats so varied? The littlest bat is as light as a penny. The biggest bat can have a wingspan as long as a bathtub. Some bats have little flaps on their noses. Others have huge ears. The unique traits of each species help it survive in its special place in nature . . . but how? Using eye-popping photographs of strange bats from around the world, Bats: Biggest! Littlest! feeds young readers' curiosity and is certain to prompt stimulating discussions for days.

Book Details

Format: Hardcover
Price: 21.99 CAD / 16.95 USD
Published: 2013-03-01
ISBN: 9781590789520
Page Count: 32
Trim Size: 10 x 8

"Veteran science writer Markle's basic introduction maintains a fine balance between general observations and specific facts. She has chosen particularly well when it comes to the photos: bats in flight, at rest, seizing prey, and clearly displaying distinctive body parts ('Compared to its body size, the Tube-Lipped Nectar Bat has the world's longest tongue'). Along with identifying 14 kinds of bats and explaining how their sizes influence their behaviors, she discusses bat diets and senses, the differences between the way bats and birds use their wings to fly, how they care for their young, and other relevant topics. . ." —Booklist

". . . The clear text is simple and readable, describing the hunting techniques of microbats and the fruit-finding talents of megabats, and even delves into some forms of bat housing. Enriched by superb color photos and complete wtih sites for further investigation, the whole presentation is interesting and useful as well as attractive. . . " —School Library Journal