From budgeting to spending, to credit cards and gift cards, this new early chapter book series tackles and explains big financial topics for kids, Dollars to Doughnuts!

After a batter disaster, Julian and Lucy’s cooking class needs a kitchen cleanup, including a new paint job. Luckily, they have a plan to make things right—they’ll simply throw the bake sale of the century! But their sweet dreams dissolve like sugar when faced with the b-word: Budget. What is a budget and how are they ever supposed to stay within it? In this early chapter book designed to help kids decipher finance facts and fallacies, Lucy and Julian discover the ins and outs of budgeting.

Book Details

Price: 16.99 USD / 22.99 CAD
Published: 2024-01-09
ISBN: 9781662670565
Page Count: 64
Trim Size: 5-1/8 x 7-9/16

"This early chapter book series is focused on teaching children about financial literacy, with a focus on budgeting...the lessons about friendship and working together are on target. Fans of series such as 'J.D. the Kid Barber' by Akeem S. Roberts and J. Dillard, and 'Zoey and Sassafras' by Asia Citro and Marion Lindsay will enjoy. A recommended purchase for most collections."—School Library Journal