Birthday Bling (Dollars to Doughnuts Book 1) By Catherine Daly; Illustrated by Genevieve Kote

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ISBN: 9781662670527


Published by (2024-01-09)

From budgeting to spending, from credit cards to gift cards, this new early chapter book series tackles and explains big financial topics for kids, Dollars to Doughnuts!

When Lucy’s aunt gives her a card—the plastic kind—for her birthday, Lucy knows just the blinged-out sweatshirt to spend it on. She plunks the card down at the store, but, cringe, it comes up short! Wait, what’s the difference between a gift card and a credit card? 

In this early chapter book designed to help kids decipher finance facts and fallacies, Lucy and her best friend, Julian, find out about the pros and cons of gift cards versus credit cards.

Book Details

Format: Hardcover
Price: 16.99 USD / 22.99 CAD
Published: 2024-01-09
ISBN: 9781662670527
Page Count: 64
Trim Size: 5-1/8 x 7-9/16

2025 Kansas NEA Reading Circle List

"Kote’s illustrations capture the emotions and diversity of Lucy and Julian’s neighborhood well...The financial lessons are sound and clearly conveyed...An important lesson in both finance and in weighing wants versus needs." —Kirkus Reviews

"For the intended audience, this title aptly covers important financial literacy elements. Adults trying to instill some important fiscal lessons will appreciate the opportunity to share this book with young spenders as well. Informative without being preachy, this story will be of interest to young shoppers who want to experience financial independence, but need to learn some important lessons in money management first." —School Library Journal

"It’s an interesting story for kids that gives them information while keeping it all interesting and relevant to them. The black and white illustrations also keep the kids attentive and show a couple of the cards for visual reference. A really great book, I’m looking forward to the next one in the series." —Youth Services Book Review (Rating 5+, starred review)