Cash Stash (Dollars to Doughnuts Book 3) By Catherine Daly; Illustrated by Genevieve Kote

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ISBN: 9781662670787


Published by (2024-08-27)

From budgeting to spending, to piggy banks to savings accounts, this new early chapter book series tackles and explains big financial topics for kids, Dollars to Doughnuts!

Julian has saved his pennies—and quarters and dollars—for ages. He keeps them in a safe place, at the top of the closet, behind his winter blanket in his trusty piggy bank, Wilbur. But now his mom, his dad, even his best friend, Lucy, who barely saves any money at all, says Wilbur isn’t safe enough. They want him to move his money to a bank! Will Julian keep Wilbur, or open a savings account? What’s the right thing to do?

Book Details

Format: eBook
Price: 8.99 CAD / 6.99 USD
Published: 2024-08-27
ISBN: 9781662670787
Page Count: 64
Trim Size: 5-1/8 x 7-9/16

"Filled with warm illustrations, the story puts a friendly face on some dry but important topics in financial literacy....A great introduction to banking concepts, as well as a reminder to check the interest rates on one’s accounts." —Kirkus Reviews