Color Me a Rhyme By Jane Yolen; Photographs by Jason Stemple

Color Me a Rhyme

Nature Poems for Young People

ISBN: 9781590781722


Published by (2003-09-01)

What colors do you see in nature - the green of a fern, the brown of a desert, the gray of a lifeless tree? Look closer. You'll find more than meets the eye. Is that a white flower, or a star that fell in the forest? Is that an orange sunset, or a piece of fruit that's ripe for eating? Is that a blue sky, or the slate on which a bird writes? In thirteen memorable poems, Jane Yolen takes you on a whimsical journey through Mother Nature's glorious landscape. Using Jason Stemple's dazzling photographs as a backdrop, Ms. Yolen paints her own vivid pictures that are both real and imagined.

Book Details

Price: 10.95 CAD / 7.95 USD
Published: 2003-09-01
ISBN: 9781590781722
Page Count: 32
Trim Size: 9-1/2 x 8-1/2