"The human-alien tensions that marked Foreigner and Invader peak in this sophisticated conclusion to the trilogy. Through her hallmark ability to craft nonhuman languages as the basis for alluring alien psychologies, Cherryh superbly resolves this epic trilogy's multifaceted conflicts, dramatizing again the idea that people can't truly know their own language—nor others, nor themselves—until they master at least one other tongue." —Publishers Weekly
"A good look at an alternative civilization where humans are not dominant, this nicely concludes a series but can stand on its own. Highly recommended." —Library Journal
"This is the kind of anthropological SF of which [Cherryh] is an acknowledged master." —Booklist
"A[n] impressive and more or less self-contained swirl of political intrigue, filtered through a memorably alien consciousness." —Kirkus
"As is always the case with C.J. Cherryh, the detailed exploration of the alien culture is outstanding. Yet, the personal conflicts and passions tearing the characters apart are not lost... The plot remains suspenseful, with a satisfactory payoff at the end. Highly recommended." —Starlog