Shelly Hen Lays Eggs By Deborah Chancellor; Illustrated by Julia Groves

Published by (2024-07-16)

Follow Shelly Hen as she scurries about her coop, plays in the grass, and lays eggs in this stylish and fact-filled picture book, part of the Follow My Food series that looks at the ways different foods are produced.

White, brown, blue–eggs come in all kinds of colors. Every egg we eat comes from a bird, typically a hen like Shelly. Shelly Hen Lays Eggs is a simple but effective way to show children (and adults!) the daily life of a free-range hen, where eggs come from, and the labor involved in getting eggs from the farm to the table Featuring attractive collage-style art, the book also includes different species of birds and their different kinds of eggs, a simple recipe using eggs, and more information about chickens.

Book Details

Format: eBook
Price: 11.99 USD / 15.99 CAD
Published: 2024-07-16
ISBN: 9781662670718
Page Count: 32
Trim Size: 9 x 9

"From hens to fried eggs: where our food comes from.... (w)ith appealing stylized illustrations and a relatively simple text... appropriately simple and effective."—Kirkus Reviews