The Star Scroll By Melanie Rawn

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ISBN: 9781101177389


Published by (2005-07-05)

Second in the bestselling Dragon Prince series returns to a lush epic fantasy world replete with winged beasts, power games of magical treachery, and a realm of princedoms hovering on the brink of war • “Marvelous!”—Anne McCaffrey
When Rohan was crowned High Prince and his Sunrunner wife Sioned became High Princess, they swore to keep the peace of the lands and preserve the secret of the dragons, an inheritance they would one day pass on to their only child, Pol, heir to both princely and Sunrunner powers.
But the evil influence of the former High Prince Roelstra had not ended with his death at Rohan’s hands. And even as Pol grew to manhood, other young men were being trained in the ways of war, youths descended from Roelstra and claimed by Rohan’s enemies as willing pawns in what could become a bloody battle for succession.
Yet not all players in these games of power fought merely with words or swords. For now a foe vanquished by the Sunrunners ages ago was once again growing in strength, an enemy determined to desroy Sunrunners and High Prince alike. And the only hope of defeating these masters of dark sorcery lay in reclaiming the knowledge so carefully concealed in the long-lost- Star Scroll….

Book Details

Format: eBook
Price: 12.99 USD / 14.99 CAD
Published: 2005-07-05
ISBN: 9781101177389
Page Count: 592

Praise for Melanie Rawn and the Dragon Prince trilogy:
“Marvelous…. Impressive…. Fascinating…. Melanie Rawn is good!”—Anne McCaffrey
“Novelist Melanie Rawn is quite deft at building a complex story…. Combining dragons, a family full of passion and hate, and medieval-style politics and warfare, it has all the ingredients to please.”—Locus
“Readers desiring yet another romantic fantasy of fierce dragons, tangled dynasties and love triumphing over adversity need look no further…. Rawn moves her large cast swiftly and colorfully.”—Publishers Weekly
“Rawn’s lush world of princes and dragons, sun-born magic, and tangled politics comes to life in this romantic fantasy saga.”—Library Journal
Dragon Prince is a classical fantasy tale of the struggle of good and evil…. A very compelling fantasy.”—VOYA
“I recommend this series highly to all lovers of rich, elaborate fantasies.”—American Fantasy Magazine
“Melanie Rawn does for fantasy what Frank Herbert did for science fiction in his classic novel Dune.”—Rave Reviews
“Be warned—if you buy one, you will want to buy them all.”—Kliatt