Kyung-Sook Shin at NYPL 53rd Street (Korean Language)

Event Details 뉴욕 공공도서관에서 매해 개최하는 세계 문학 축제의 여러분을 초대합니다! '엄마를 부탁해, 아버지에게 갔었어'의 저자 신경숙 작가를 초대해 2021년 출간된 작가의 여덟번째 장편소설인 '아버지에게 갔었어'에 대해서 직접 독자들과 이야기할 예정입니다. […]

Esther Yi at the Toronto Public Library

This event is part of Toronto Public Library's signature Salon Series, where we host local and international authors, artists and thinkers in conversation about their new books and big ideas. *** Toronto Public Library is committed to accessibility. Please call or email us if you are Deaf or have a disability and would like to […]

Conference on Clinical Legal Education

Association of American Law Schools Conference on Clinical Legal Education “Hope as a Discipline” Keynote with Robin DG Kelley Thursday, April 27 – Sunday, April 30, 2023 San Francisco, CA