Blood Lines By Tanya Huff

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ISBN: 9780756408480


Published by (2014-02-04)

The Blood Books are now available in "Blood Ties" TV tie-in editions. View our TV tie-in feature page here here.

An evil being has been sealed away for centuries in a sarcophagus never meant to be opened, waiting patiently for his chance to rise again. Now, brought to the Egyptology Department of Toronto’s Royal Ontario Museum, the seals and spells that imprisoned him chipped away from his discoverers, he has reached forth to claim the minds and souls of Toronto’s unsuspecting citizens. And only three people had any sense that something was wrong….

For Henry Fitzroy, it began with terrifying images of the sun, a marker of death for a vampire. Fearing for his sanity, he turns to his sometimes-lover, private investigator Vicki Taylor, for help. As the two struggle to cope with Henry’s obsession, Vicki’s closest friend and former partner Mike Celluci, is following up on two mysterious deaths at the museum, certain that a force from beyond the grave is responsible for everything.

Book Details

Format: Trade Paperback
Price: 29.99 CAD / 22 USD
Published: 2014-02-04
ISBN: 9780756408480
Page Count: 272
Trim Size: 6 x 9

"Entertaining characters, wry humor, crazy plots, glimpses of horror, the occult, romance, and just a dollop of sex."—VOYA

"The novel [has] an unexpected serious theme that helps raise it above the crowd. It may be funny, often lighthearted and highly entertaining, but it's more than just another 'light' fantasy."—Locus

"A yummy concoction of equal parts fantasy and mystery, throwing in a splash of humor and a dash of romance to beguile the palate quite delightfully.... Ms. Huff manages to develop all her different plot threads to marvelous effect. How could anyone resist this vastly entertaining pastiche?"—RT Book Reviews

"A fine mix of the detective story with the supernatural, and easily Huff's best novel to date.... A rousing adventure tale with likable characters and an interesting setting."—Science Fiction Chronicle

"The author of the Blood novels has once again proven herself a master of urban fantasy."—Library Journal

"Huff tells a great story, but never takes herself or it too seriously. She consciously borrows elements from other books as well as movies, comics, and mythology and combines them with her own great imagination to make a thoroughly satisfying story."—SF Site