Death’s Master By Tanith Lee

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ISBN: 9780756410964


Published by (2016-11-01)

A recognized master fantasist, Tanith Lee has won numerous awards for her craft, including the World Fantasy Award for Life Achievement and the Bram Stoker Award for Lifetime Achievement in Horror.
Death’s Master, winner of the British Fantasy Award, is the second book of the stunning arabesque high fantasy series Tales from the Flat Earth, which, in the manner of The One Thousand and One Nights, portrays an ancient world in mythic grandeur via connected tales.
A long time ago when the Earth was Flat, beautiful, indifferent Gods lived in the airy Upperearth realm above, curious passionate demons lived in the lush Underearth realm below, and mortals were relegated to exist in the middle.
Uhlume, Lord of Death, second of the Lords of Darkness, King of Shadow and Pallor, makes an unusual bargain which sets in motion an intricate sequence of events that entangle men and gods, queens and kings, sorcerers and witches, and lowly wanderers. When the secret to immortality falls into human hands, dark magic and wickedness are unleashed, testing the bounds of mortal love and sanity, and questioning the nature and purpose of life itself.
Come within this ancient world of brilliant darkness and beauty, of glittering palaces and wondrous elegant beings, of cruel passions and undying love. Discover the wonder that is the Flat Earth.

Book Details

Format: Paperback
Price: 11.99 CAD / 8.99 USD
Published: 2016-11-01
ISBN: 9780756410964
Page Count: 416
Trim Size: 4-3/16 x 6-3/4

Praise for Death's Master:

“Lee is a natural storyteller. This compelling and evocative novel… possesses a power only intimated in myth and fairy tales.” —Publishers Weekly

“One of my all-time favorite fantasy novels.” —Sublime Perspectives

“Tanith Lee has got the art of mythmaking down pat; she also has a wonderful sense of the macabre.”—Sojourner

"This complex tale of Uhlume, Lord Death, and Zhirem and Simmu, magical children of different mothers, is full of strangeness and dark sensuality…the product of an amazing imagination.”—Fantasy Review

“Unique….The style is complex and fascinating, the plotting and interweaving of characters and action meticulously worked out and invariably entertaining.”—S.F. Chronicle

"Skillfully written and richly imagined….In this long and intricate epic, a large cast of humans struggle to attain their own ends and to escape their doom. Lee fans, and other admirers of the compelling tale, will be more than satisfied with the result.” —Booklist