Hunting the White Witch By Tanith Lee

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ISBN: 9780756411138


Published by (2016-02-02)

Vazkor, who assumed the name of the warrior father he had never known, seeks his mother, a survivor of the hated Old Race known as the White Witch. He has sworn to kill her, to avenge his father and all the humans who had suffered at the hands of the Old Race. But as he searches, his own powers—his fearful heritage—grow. Can Vazkor rid the world once and for all of his own creator?

Hunting the White Witch
is the concluding volume of the Birthgrave Trilogy. Rediscover this realm of brilliant cruel beauty and seductive immortal ruins, of savage war and grand conquest, of falling stars and silver gods—with these 40th anniversary editions of legendary fantastist Tanith Lee's debut book series.

Book Details

Format: Paperback
Price: 10.49 CAD / 7.99 USD
Published: 2016-02-02
ISBN: 9780756411138
Page Count: 304
Trim Size: 4-3/16 x 6-3/4

"A delightful feast of excitement and adventure." —Marion Zimmer Bradley, author of the Darkover series

"A big, rich, bloody swords-and-sorcery epic." —Publishers Weekly

"Tanith Lee is fantastika’s Joyce Carol Oates." —Locus

"All the best tropes of the genre glitteringly intact." —Coilhouse