The Secret Life of the Skunk By Laurence Pringle; Illustrated by Kate Garchinsky

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ISBN: 9781629798776


Published by (2019-08-13)

Discover the secret behaviors of a notoriously stinky mammal--the skunk--by following a family as the kits grow from infancy to adulthood.

The celebrated Secret Life series continues with a determined mother skunk and her five kits. Young readers will learn about their hidden lives as the skunk kits grow and explore their world, escape predators, and hunt for food. Here is a story of family and survival packed with science terminology, depictions of skunk behavior, and information about skunks' habitats, diets, and sounds. And stunning illustrations invite readers to get closer than they ever could in reality to these skunks' secret lives.

Book Details

Format: Hardcover
Price: 17.99 USD / 23.99 CAD
Published: 2019-08-13
ISBN: 9781629798776
Page Count: 32
Trim Size: 9 x 9

“Maligned and malodorous…but oh, so interesting. Skunks may not be everyone's favorites, but they are fascinating. The smoothly written, gentle narrative explores the life of a family from birth in early spring to the kits' independence in late fall. Sweet—really: Animal lovers will find much to appreciate here, and report writers are well served.” – Kirkus Reviews

"Packed with interesting facts and beautiful digital illustrations, this nonfiction book will entice early readers and student researchers alike. Back matter includes more information about skunks as well as a glossary and a list of additional resources. Young readers will enjoy the lyrical text and warm illustrations..." -- School Library Journal