The Shadow Matrix By Marion Zimmer Bradley

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ISBN: 9781101165683


Published by (1999-01-01)

After spending her youth in the Terran Empire, Margaret Alton returns to Darkover, the planet of her birth. There she discovers she has the Alton Gift--forced rapport and compulsion--one of the strongest and most dangerous of the inherited Laran gifts of the telepathic Comyn--the ruling families of Darkover. And even as she struggles to control her newfound powers, Margaret finds herself falling in love with the Regent to the royal Elhalyn Domain, a man she has been forbidden to marry, for their alliance would irrevocably alter the power balance of their planet!

Book Details

Format: eBook
Price: 8.99 CAD / 7.99 USD
Published: 1999-01-01
ISBN: 9781101165683
Page Count: 560